Stop Talking About Feminism.

October 14, 2014

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Attention WORLD: lets stop talking about feminism! Enough is enough, and debating the legitimacy of the movement is giving me a headache. I’ll just dump my coffee on the next male who tells me that he was born to be a CEO and I a secretary. I’ll attribute his misogyny to an uneducated parental figure. “THE WORLD IS NOT READY FOR A FEMALE PRESIDENT,” said the bro who is entirely unaware that women have held presidential positions (in other countries) for years. The likelihood our country will be attacked by terrorists nearly triples if our president can’t hold her own in combat, right? ‘Merica fuck ya!

There is nothing to discuss. Do you believe men and women should have access to the same education? Yes. Should the amount someone packs in their pants impact a humans salary? Yes!! If you’re a porn star. Historically men have thrived more in high-power positions; but I refuse to believe hormones are to blame. We are born with a sex, GENDER is learned. Children don’t come out of the womb in pink or blue. We are assigned a role over time. You are girl– you like baby doll. You are boy– you like trucks. It makes me physically ill to think we live in one of the most socially advanced countries, but it is taboo to preach gender equality. To the women who believe that they are in no way the underdog in the game of life; everyone is laughing at you. You are a moron. Your opinions cause me to experience secondhand embarrassment. For the sake of humanity, I hope you don’t procreate. Women DO NOT get paid the same amount as men to do for THE SAME work. “Well Kenz, thats becuz they leave to have babis!!” It takes two to make a baby, as women we’re just doing the heavy lifting. Truth is, from the day we learn to talk we’re also taught to be polite. We want everyone to love us, as we’re taught from a young age likability is of extreme importance. You know who isn’t lovable? Demanding women that ask for more; more MONEY, MORE POWER, MORE RESPONSIBILITY! You know who else society hates on? Pushover dudes who don’t stand their ground. We call those “pussies”. As women we’re taught that we’re lucky to have a job, not that an employer is #blessed to have us. Society is to blame for gender inequality, not biology. Men are taught to pay for women, crave dependence, and guard and protect us fragile beings. We’re weaker because we’re taught that small is sexy. Men are bigger due to the importance society places on male strength. Although we have a higher tolerance for pain, historically there has been no need for us to lift a pretty little finger. Evolution, baby. S/O to the cavemen– thanks for the berries! You’re welcome for having your babies without pain medicine.

Lets stop talking about feminism. There is nothing to debate. Women are not genetically incapable of holding high power positions due to emotion over-load. Society wants us to believe that we are “too crazy” to make power moves. News flash: the number of psychotic men is significantly higher than cray-cray women. Anyways, what harm would a little empathy do? The world lacks women in high power positions. Instead of asking ourselves why this is the case; we shrug our shoulders and blame “God.” While in the minds of many the bible is simply a great work of fiction, when it comes to gender roles we choose to accept these “fictional” concepts as the truth. What evidence is there to suggest that everything would fall apart if someone in a corner office were to wear a dress and heels (ballet flats in my case?) It is nearly impossible to burn the pages of history when someone (men) are benefitting so strongly. Those in power don’t want to give it up, fucking duh. I don’t expect the world to change entirely immediately, big things happen gradually. I just don’t understand what is taking a “progressive” country like the United States so long to close a freaking wage gap. I don’t want handouts because I have a vagina. If you want to buy me dinner; do it to prove you love me, not because you believe it is your duty as a dude. Just because you insist I order an appetizer and proceed to pickup the check doesn’t mean I owe you a BJ. I don’t want a pity party in my honor. I just want us to agree on one thing: I am not worth less than you.

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More about Mackenzie

Retired scene queen living in Astoria, New York with my fiancé Ben. Accidentally started blogging in 2011, haven't stopped since. Obsessed with reading + Rent the Runway. Founder of