New Years 2017

December 30, 2016

This year I was really reluctant to write a resolutions article. It’s not that I don’t plan on attempting self-improvement next year (I do.) Nor was it that I have failed to complete a resolution in the past (I have.) I’m just lazy, and a little tired of writing the same article 5 years in a row. If I were to write one of these articles, it would be to tell you to:

1.) Be early for your social engagements, no matter how lazy you are.

2.) Cut the sh*t with the pasta and jarred sauce, and learn to cook.

3.) Treat YO’SELF, because our new prez is going to get us blown up.

I’m not going to write that article.

Last year I changed the way I consumed content online. I was tired of Buzzfeed quizzes, Elite Daily open letters, and Cosmopolitan fluff pieces. I was reading, a lot, but I certainly wasn’t learning anything. I decided that I would unfollow pop culture sites on Facebook and Twitter, and instead opt for news sites on both sides of the political spectrum. I figured that if I were going to be spending all my time online browsing, I may as well get smarter in the process. I committed to becoming more politically informed, in a way that required minimal effort.

However, as a result of being constantly surrounded by news, I have felt an enormous weight of anxiety. Those of you who closely follow Twitter moments can probably relate. When it feels like CNN is chasing you around with bad news, you’re probably a little too connected. I need to stop digesting so much content, or I’m going to have to enter therapy for the duration of Trump’s presidency.

My head feels like it’s on the brink of an explosion. The apocalypse is rapidly approaching in the form of nuclear warfare… or at least, that’s where my mind wanders. That being said, I fully believe in the power of being informed. I can confidently articulate my political views, and I certainly haven’t always been able to. It is incredibly empowering to make statements with conviction.

I asked my boyfriend Ben, who I believe is a genius, to share his suggestions for unbiased news!

Thanks, Ben! Talk nerdy to me! You’re hot!

While the news stresses me the f*ck out, It is undeniably extremely irresponsible to remain politically uninformed. If you can’t name the “swing states” and you don’t know who Steve Bannon is, you should probably implement my strategy into your life. It’s a really, really simple way to educate yourself, without realizing you’re doing so.  Within a few months you’ll be reporting fake news on Facebook like a pro.

As for me, i’ll try to stop reading all the Donald Trump click bait & maybe i’ll start reading more fluff pieces… for my mental health. Anyways, here is one of my favorite videos of a french bulldog jumping into his owner’s arms.


I hope you have an EXTRA/sparkly New Years Eve!

& Remember– Andre is for peasants.

More about Mackenzie

Retired scene queen living in Astoria, New York with my fiancé Ben. Accidentally started blogging in 2011, haven't stopped since. Obsessed with reading + Rent the Runway. Founder of