

Sippin’ on Mint Julep

If you're like me, you've probably been shopping at Forever 21 and H&M since high school. In college you probably added a few more upper-fast fashion retailers to your collection, like Zara and Mango. After awhile, you begin to crave…

Our Summer Crush

Last summer we were into chokers and bell bottom jeans, but this year it's all about statement earrings and bell sleeves! If you're under 5'5 like I am, there is no doubt you're excited about this.  Don't worry about it…

Culottes & Cult Gaia

For about a year I have been obsessing over the Cult Gaia arc bag. I always assumed, that like most of the bags my favorite fashion bloggers wear, it's probably $500+. It served as my inspiration (it's a literal piece…

A Stylish Start

As a self-diagnosed creature of habit, all of the changes that are presently happening in my life would typically throw me for a loop. Graduating from college, moving out of my beloved North End neighborhood (okay, this one is especially upsetting), and having…

Rent Best Dressed

Wedding season is approaching, and naturally you're getting stressed. Once again you'll have to spend countless cash on dresses you'll only wear once. Fortunately, Best Dressed has made it possible for us to find the perfect dress for a reasonable…