Queen of Boycotts

July 24, 2018

If you truly know me, you know that I boycott a lot of brands. I’m stubborn, and once I cut something off I stick to it. I boycott companies for a number of reasons, but usually it’s because of my political views or human rights violations. After reading this I don’t expect you to change your purchasing habits, but I hope that you become more aware of them. How you spend your money is your way of validating a brand. Anyways, listed below are the brands I boycott & why.  

Urban Outfitters Corporation – Boycotting since 2013

I wrote about why I don’t shop at an UO affiliated stores in 2014. To summarize: they are notorious for stealing designs from indie brands and have sold a number of offensive products– including a “vintage” Kent State sweatshirt with (fake) blood stains. Additionally, their CEO Richard Hayne is against gay rights and is a staunch supporter of Rick Santorum. Urban Outfitters corporation also owns Anthropologie and Free People, which means I also don’t shop at either of those stores. You’ll never see a Free People outfit recommended on Mack in Style.

Zara – Boycotting since 2017

I stopped shopping at Zara at the very end of 2017. Trust me, I know that I should have done it sooner. There are many reasons to stop shopping at this store. For one, they are one of the world’s richest brands, and are notorious for underpaying workers and ripping off independent designers. The reason I ultimately stopped shopping there was because of the news last year that they closed a factory in Istanbul without warning nor paying the employees for three months of unpaid wages. Additionally, the news of a dead rat sewn into a woman’s clothing made the idea of shopping there unpalatable.

Chick-fil-A – Boycotting since 2012

I love fried chicken. But I can’t get behind Chick-fil-A. Their president Dan Cathy has said that legalizing gay marriage is “inviting God’s judgment on our nation.” Mayor Menino blocked the company from moving into Boston in 2012, which made me aware of the issue. I consider myself an ally of the LGBTQ community and therefore don’t eat there.

Walmart – Boycotting since 2011

The Walton family, who started Walmart and still own the majority share of the company, are among the richest families in the world. As of 2018 the family is worth a collective 174.9 BILLION dollars. They are the richest family in the United States, with a fortune that doubles that of the Koch brothers. What could a family possibly do with so much money? First, they buy properties in rural communities. Secondly, they price their product so low that no local retailers can compete with them. When those businesses inevitably close, the only work opportunity in these areas becomes *Walmart.* With all that $$, you’d think they’d pay their employees a living wage, like Cosco or Trader Joes! But unfortunately, that is not the case. In fact, Walmart encourages their employees to apply for government benefits. In 2013, Walmart cost taxpayers a whopping 6.2 BILLION in public assistance. Yikes! Walmart is horrible.

R Kelly – Boycotting since 2017

It’s the remix to ignition, R Kelly should literally be in jail. He has been brainwashing and holding very young women captive in a “sex cult” for a decade. These women live in his Atlanta homes and are not even allowed to go to the bathroom or eat without asking his permission. He married Aaliyah when she was 15 years old. He has been sued multiple times over the years for inappropriate sexual contact with minors. Spotify has removed his music from their popular playlists. There are many reasons to ditch this dude, which VOX lined up for you HERE.

Dolce & Gabbana – Boycotting since 2018

At this point in my life, I can’t afford D&G. But when I can, I would definitely not purchase it. Stefano Gabbana is the most problematic man in fashion. He’s homophobic, having expressed that he doesn’t believe in gay marriage. He is sexist, having been quoted saying there is nothing wrong with sexual harassment in fashion (specifically “ass grabbing.) He’s publicly called Selena Gomez “ugly” and the entire Kardashian family “trash.” Additionally, he’s made comments against IVF treatment??? Overall, he’s a weird guy and i’d never buy his product.

Nothing about me is perfect. Unintentionally, i’m sure I make the “wrong purchases” all the time (I eat meat!) I do my best not to purchase clothing that qualifies as “fast fashion”– from Forever 21, Old Navy, Boohoo. H&M or Tobi; because of the environmental impact. I try not to listen to music that was created by an abuser like Chris Brown– though it’s nearly impossible to avoid. If I become aware that someone is a Scientologist, I won’t go see their movie in theaters (Tom Cruise), or buy one of their handbags (Rebecca Minkoff *sobs.*) As a consumer, we control what kind of products or media are produced. We determine which companies are going to be successful. Your wallet is powerful. Use it wisely. 

More about Mackenzie

Retired scene queen living in Astoria, New York with my fiancé Ben. Accidentally started blogging in 2011, haven't stopped since. Obsessed with reading + Rent the Runway. Founder of www.badbitchbookclub.com